Thursday, March 26, 2015

So Where DO Broken Hearts Go? Zayn Malik Leaves One Direction. What Next?

March 26, 2015

Yesterday, One Direction fandom was rocked by the news that Zayn Malik has left the band.  Hearts across the world were truly broken, mine included.  Though I was anticipating the split, I never dreamed it would happen so early in the year.  I was at lunch, mindlessly scrolling through Twitter, when I read the news. My stomach dropped to my knees.  I was just in shock and sick at heart.  What next?

I'll be honest.  I have been thinking for a while now that when the bands' contact expires later this year, that the boys will decide go in their own directions.  There has been so much publicity about tension in the group, the guys wanting to pursue their own careers, etc, that the a split almost seems inevitable.  But I truly believed they would stay together until the end of the year.  I felt we had at least that long.  But now Zayn has left, paying major bucks to break his contract.  Will this set a precedence?  I certainly hope not.

There has been so much media drama in recent months over the fate of 1D.  According to the media, there has been tension between Harry and Zayn recently.  Apparently Zayn is sick of Harry lecturing him and Harry is tired of the lack of maturity Zayn has shown (especially in regards to the video that was leaked of Zayn and Louis lighting a joint in Peru last year, as well as Zayn leaving before a concert ended due to "illness").  Liam has been criticized in the media recently over his drinking.  Zayn had the whole blow up over "cheating" on Perrie with a fan.  Pictures of Louis kissing someone other than Eleanor were quickly explained as occurring after they broke up, but still caused a lot of speculation.  The only one not involved in all the drama has been Niall.

I think the thing that saddens me the most is that what drew me to One Direction in the first place was the "brotherhood" and camaraderie that was portrayed since the bands' inception.  Now, with all the media hoopla, I wonder how much of it was real and how much was for the benefit of the fans.  I feel deep down it was real, at least in the beginning, but now that they are older and they travel separately, stay in separate hotels, etc, I wonder if they still feel "as close as brothers"?  The loss of the illusion hurts almost as much as Zayn's leaving. At least for me. 

Social media causes a lot of confusion, as well.  First, it gives fans a sense of connection with the boys that really isn't there.  We still only see what they want us to see. We don't have a real glimpse of their hearts and minds.  Secondly, so much gets misconstrued by the fans and the press, so a lot of what is reported as fact turns out to be just perception.  So, we really don't have the inside scoop that we think we do.

The whole thing just makes me sad.  I feel for Zayn, because a lot of hurt led him to this decision, though I think it was in the works long before last week ( media makes me think I know more than I truly do).  I really feel bad for Harry, Niall, Liam and Louis, though.  They are the ones left behind.  They are the ones that had no say in the decision. And they are the ones left to pick up the pieces and mourn the loss of what was.  I wish them luck and pray they don't let this bring them down to the point of giving it up.

Image result for pictures of louis tomlinson crying' hearts are breaking.  The boys' hearts have to be breaking.  So, where DO broken hearts go? Can One Direction and their fandom truly heal from this?  Only time will tell......

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Test I'm Glad To Have "Failed"

March 3, 2015

My mom was 27 years old when she was first diagnosed with breast cancer.  At 35, she underwent a double mastectomy.  Thankfully, she has been cancer free for over 30 years.

In addition to my mom, my grandmother, great grandmother, 3 great aunts, and various cousins have all gone through breast cancer.  With such a strong family history, I have lived with the knowledge that it is just a matter of time until I will receive my diagnosis.  It is just something that I've accepted.  In fact, when my husband and I first started talking marriage back in 1993, I sat him down and warned him of what he would need to face with me.  God love him, he said he would stand by me and love me no matter what---and he's a boob man!

Last month, my mom had to have emergency gall bladder surgery.  When she went over her personal and family history with the surgeon, he focused in on the breast cancer history and wanted to know if I had had genetic testing to determine if I had the gene for breast cancer.  When he learned I hadn't, he insisted that I be tested.

So on February 3, 2015, I went in to have the test done. Today, I was contacted with the results.  To say I was utterly shocked when I was told I do NOT carry the breast cancer gene is an understatement.  Even the nurse said they were shocked with the results.

I have lived with this cloud over my head for so many years, I wasn't sure how to react. Finally, tears came to my eyes and I thanked God profusely.  Now, understand this doesn't mean I won't get breast cancer.  But it does give me more hope that I ever had that I might not get it. Additionally, this means my mom wasn't a carrier of the gene, which gives hope that my sweet niece won't have to deal with it either.  And since men can get breast cancer, I don't need to be as concerned by my son or nephew are predisposed to it, either.

This is a test I am so thankful to have failed.  Thank you sweet, Jesus!

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  ~ Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, March 2, 2015

Can One Direction Be Any Cuter?

March 2, 2015

I had to call of work today to take my son to the doctor and so I could be here for the plumber to come fix my leaking shower.  Unfortunately, after the appointments, I had nothing to do and I got bored, so I started randomly looking it up One Direction clips.  I just can't help myself...they are so stinking adorable!

First I checked them out on an old episode of Ellen where Harry presented a fan with tickets to the AMA and to a 1D concert.  Awwwww.....

Then I looked up pictures of them behind the scenes on Sesame Street:

Image result for one direction on sesame street behind the scenes

Image result for one direction on sesame street behind the scenes

Image result for one direction on sesame street behind the scenes

After that, I went to look at pictures I have posted to my "One Direction/My Guilty Obsession" board on Pinterest:

The whole of one direction clearly love selfies. Here is Harry getting in on the action.

Pure perfection..those are the only words i know right now.

And basically every time he smiled his perfect, gorgeous, adorable smile. | 30 Times Liam Payne Was The Most Perfect Member Of One Direction In 2013

After looking at my Pinterest board, I'm thinking I might want to change the name to "Harry Styles/My Guilty Obsession".  Although, the other guys are starting to get more pins.  I'm ashamed to admit, this put me in a much better mood.  Boy, I really need to get a life!!!