I've always felt as though I got the short end of the stick when it comes to height---literally. My mom and dad aren't overly tall, but my brothers are somewhere in the neighborhood of 5' 10". Both my grandfathers were tall, as is my maternal uncle. My husband is 6' 4" and my soon to be 18 year old son is 6' something. I, on the other hand, am 5' 1/4" tall. And yes, that 1/4" does count!
I've spent my entire life looking up to almost everyone--whether I respect them or not. Let me tell you, scolding your 12 year old son while looking UP at him was not an experience I would recommend. I don't even both getting in his face now that he is 17.

I am the butt of short jokes. I spend the majority of my grocery shopping trip asking total strangers to reach stuff off the high shelves. When I sit on park benches and in booths at restaurants, my feet rarely touch the floor. Petite pants drag on the floor. Capris are ankle length. I have to stand on my tip toes to kiss my husband.
But that's ok. I am how God made me. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. My family loves me--even though they make fun of my stature. Besides....the best things in life come in small packages! ;)