Monday, January 19, 2015

Twitter Schmitter

January 19, 2015
Image result for twitter symbol
So, I set up a Twitter account a couple of days ago and, so far, I am sorely disappointed.  Thus far, I have only 1 true friend following me...the rest are strangers and/or businesses.  Plus, I can't find any of my friends and had to resort to using Facebook to post a request for friends' Twitter handles.

Then, here is the biggie:  Just like Facebook, where there are so many phoney accounts that are fan pages instead of the real deal, Twitter has a bunch of people pretending to be celebrities.  It is annoying.  If I'm taking time to follow a celebrity at least it would be nice to know it really is that person.  Instead, you can't trust anything on Facebook, Twitter, or the web at large because of all the wanna-be posers. 

Now, why I even care, I don't know.  For the last 20 plus year, I haven't even followed celebrities (well, ok, I do like Norman Reedus) until I started listening to One Direction.  Now I'm a total groupie.  I wasn't even this bad when I was following the Badlees.  Of course, that was before the internet and social media.  In fact, I used to think it was weird how so many people my age are obsessed with celebrities and here I am, acting like a 16 year old.

But facts are facts--people shouldn't be allowed to impersonate someone without being upfront with the fact that they are imposters.  Posing as someone else and trying to convince others that you are that person is morally wrong and should be legally wrong, as well.

Maybe, I'll genuinely learn to like Twitter as I get used to it.  But, thus far, I'm very disappointed.  :(

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