Saturday, September 12, 2015

Day 32 & 33: ARGHHHHH! #Whole30

September 12, 2015

Image result for angry face picture

I'm so disgusted with myself right now.  Today wasn't a good day.

First, I got a call from my daddy telling me he can't come home from the hospital today, as scheduled.  Last night, his pulse dropped from 90 to 17.  The doctors had to determine whether his medicine needed tweaked or if the problem was that the surgery threw off the electrical impulses of his heart, which isn't uncommon with aortic value replacements.   They put him back in CICU and put a line from his groin to his heart.  They determined it was the electrical impulses being off and that he now needs a pacemaker.  Since it is Saturday, there was no one there to do the surgery.  So he will be in the hospital until at least Tuesday, since they will place the pacemaker on Monday.

Then, I went to help my husband clean out his dad's workshop.  My father-in-law was diagnosed with vascular dementia in September of 2014.  He and my mother-in-law moved out of their house and into an apartment last March.  The house is now for sale and the workshop has been sold and is being moved off the property on September 15.   So my husband has been working to clean out the shop, which was a hoarder's delight.  Well, I went to help, which was no fun in and of itself. But then my mother-in-law and husband got into it, which just made the whole situation even worse.

When we were finally finished for the day, I went to Walmart to get groceries. Since I'm in the reintroduction phase, I still can't have legumes (again), dairy (yet), and gluten (yet), but today I reintroduced non-gluten grains. So I grabbed a Lean Cuisine with Chicken and Rice (yes it was processed but I was in a hurry).  Also, since I wanted to run out to see my brother this evening, I just grabbed a bag of beef jerky to eat on the way home so I could wait to eat supper until after I got home from my brother's.  What is beef jerky?  Dried obviously no dairy, legumes or gluten, right?  Wrong!  After I was already eating it, I thought to check the ingredients.  What does it contain?  Wheat.  Wheat! In beef jerky!!! Argh!

I'm so disgusted right now.  But I'm going to try to stick to the rest of the reintroduction phase.  Since I never got the burst of energy and my skin never cleared up, I don't think I would have been able to ascertain what foods were truly causing my problems, anyway.  But I want to stick it out.

After the holidays, I plan to start the entire program again. Hopefully, when my stress level has decreased, I will be able to get the full benefits of the program. Hopefully......

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