Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Days 29 & 30: Almost 18 lbs gone!!! #Whole30

September 8, 2015
Salter Professional Large Dial Mechanical Scale, Model 200- 1 ea
Woo hoo!!! It is Day 30 and I'm down almost 18 lbs!  What a feeling!  I am so glad I did this.  I get to start reintroducing food tomorrow---peanut butter and hummus, here I come!

I really wonder if I would have gotten the energy benefits if life wasn't so stressful right now---new job, son starting college, my dad having heart surgery (today, actually--he is doing well, by the way, praise God!).   Maybe doing this kept me from feeling even more tired than I would have been otherwise.

I can definitely say it is the right way to eat.  I know I am treating my body the way it deserves to be treated.  I don't want to go back to subsisting on sandwiches.

While I may not be quite as strict in my day to day life as I was during the plan, I do want to stick to eating mostly whole foods.  If I can tolerate gluten free grains, I would like to add brown rice.  If I can tolerate dairy, I would like to add Greek yogurt.  But I really think this way of eating is so beneficial.

I finally got my blood work results back from a draw that was done 2 days prior to my starting The Whole 30.  Guess what?  Inflammation!  I'm anxious to have the test done again to see if the inflammation is now reduced significantly.

My "plan" is to start using a workout tape tomorrow morning.  Now that I'm losing weight again, finally, I need to up the ante!  Go me!!!

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