Well, the fat lady has sung and unfortunately said fat lady is me. While I did manage to stick to the Whole 30 throughout the first 30 days and the first part of the reintroduction phase, I blew it the day I reintroduced dairy. I couldn't wait to eat ice cream. I was all set. So I went to Mexico Market where I had a coupon for a free small cone or dish and got a dish of peanut butter ice cream. Ice cream is dairy, after all. Unfortunately, the peanut butter is not. Peanuts are a legume. I shouldn't have had the peanut butter. Crap on a cracker!
Then, I had a really bad day and came home and someone totally ticked me off. So I said screw it and ate chocolate. Dumb dumb dumb. A mistake was one thing but giving up was entirely was a different story. I'm so mad at myself.
But here is what I learned. I can stick to the 30 days. And I have learned from the mistakes I made the first time through the plan. I'll know what mistakes to avoid next time. And I did lose 18 pounds, which is awesome.
So I'm going to try to eat mostly unprocessed foods and allow myself other items in moderation. Then, after the holidays and hopefully when my stress factors level off, I plan to do the program again. But this time, I'm going to make some of the recipes from the book and I'm going to make sure to have food ready ahead of time.
This was not a failure. I have learned from my mistakes. Next time, it will be better.
Congratulations ! I'm so happy for you