Friday, September 4, 2015

Days 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26: Not As Hungry, But Still Want Cake #Whole30

September 4, 2015

I started my new job on Tuesday and I love it.  But life has been very stressful with learning new responsibilities, daddy still being sick, and my brother having health issues, as well as the usual stress over bills and such.  Strangely, I'm not feeling the need to stress eat like I used to do.  Is it because I'm happy at work, or because of the Whole 30?  Who knows.  But I'm glad I'm not as hungry as before.  

I am finding, though, that I still have a great desire to quit the plan.  I know, I know. I've come too far to quit. But I'm sooooo sick of meat and nuts.  And the fruits I enjoy most are no longer in season.  I did buy some apples today and when I can add peanut butter in 5 days, that will be great.  Of course, I have to take it away again the next day until I finish reintroducing everything else.  Oh well.   I can do this.  

In fact, I really don't want to go back to eating the way I used to eat.  Don't get me wrong.  I want to add back dairy, legumes, grains, etc.  But not in large quantities. I want to keep my mainstays protein, vegetables and fruits.  It is much more healthy.  But I don't plan to be as strict.  Everything in moderation.

I really wish I could get my family to eat this way.  If we all did it, it would be so much easier.  Watching them eat chips, ice cream, and cookies hasn't been easy.  A that full gallon of milk in the refrigerator isn't helping either.  And I'm not a big milk drinker. But I'm so sick of water water water.  I know, I need to put on my big girl panties and just drink it.

I'm really looking forward to weighing myself. I actually almost had my son weigh me and just tell me if I lost more than 5 lbs.  I didn't, though.  But
I am weighing myself on Day 30.  Enough is enough.  Seriously!

As much as I have complained, I'm glad I undertook this journey.  It has been good for me and I hope it will help me adopt a new way of eating and a new plan for the future.  Now if I can just bring myself to start using that workout tape!! Maybe when it isn't so hot?  ;)

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