Wednesday, June 4, 2014

About Me

Welcome to Life According to Me!

Let me start by telling you a little about myself.  My name is Tammy and I am a 44 year old wife and mother.  I am employed full-time as an analyst in an insurance company's customer service unit.  Unfortunately, I commute 90 miles a day, which isn't fun.  I'm sure you'll get to read all about it.

I earned a degree in Communications/Journalism back in 1992, but haven't had a chance to use my degree. Unfortunately, I was caught in the "you need 3-5 years experience to get a job, but you need a job to get experience" cycle.  So I decided to get back into writing by blogging.  We'll see how it goes!

I am a Christian, which is extremely important to me.  God has gotten me through so much in my life, for which I am truly grateful!  Everything I am I owe to Him.

I have a 17 year old son.  He is the love of my life and a great source of worry.  I have been married almost 20 years to the other love of my life.  He is the source of all the gray hair.  :)

Well, that pretty much provides a brief synopsis on me.  More to follow.....

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