Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Let's Make A Deal!

June 24, 2014

In our quest to become debt-free (which we achieved with the exception of our mortgage) we have DRASTICALLY cut our spending.  While we each get a small amount of spending money each pay, it doesn't go far.  And there are so many things I need.   Ok, want...but you get the picture.

So I've decided, America needs to bring bartering back.  A manicurist gives me a spa pedicure, I'll scrub her salon's bathroom for a month on Saturdays.  A furniture dealer "gives" me a new living room suit, I'll work at the furniture store evenings or weekends for no pay until my "debt" is paid.  A restaurant gives me a meal, I'll bus tables for a couple of hours.

Or.....I'm good at this and you are good at that...let's trade.  I hate cleaning but I love baking.  I'll keep you in baked goods...you clean my house.

This would really work for me!!!

Who's with me????


  1. Sounds like a good deal to me - only if I have to clean toilets I'll probably never get another pedicure again. LOL!

  2. Hi, Heidi!!! I'm desperate! I have trouble keeping my hand steady enough when doing my toes, so I'd do just about anything!!! :)
