Sunday, June 15, 2014

Bathroom Etiquette

June 15, 2014

I am constantly appalled how slovenly women can be when using public restrooms.  Personally, I am more careful when I use things that do not belong to me.  If these women are so careless in public, how do their private bathrooms appear?  I shudder to think.

This is what I would like to post in the bathroom at my place of employment.  Since I can't, I'll share my thoughts here:

1.  If you sprinkle when you tinkle please be neat and wipe the seat.

2.  Peeing on the floor is not acceptable once you are fully potty trained.

3.  A little air freshener goes a long way.  Your stall mates will thank you.

4.  Toilets are to be flushed.  No one wants to see your "business".

5.  If you need to grunt and groan to get it out, you don't have to go that badly.  Straining isn't good for you, anyway.  Plus, no one wants to HEAR your "business".

6.  For goodness sake....if you sound like a hydrant blowing a gasket, please don't wait so long! Your kidneys will thank you.

7.  Talking on the phone while in a bathroom stall is just wrong!

8.  Once you are finished, kindly wash your hands and leave the premises.  Please don't hold long conversations with other bathroom patrons.  Some people are shy and can't go until no one is there to listen.

9.  And finally....leave no trace.   Clean up after yourself.  

If everyone would follow this tips, I would have a much more pleasurable bathroom experience.  So would others, I believe.

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