Monday, February 23, 2015

One Direction: They Take Me To My Happy Place

February 23, 2015

I know I said I was going to try to dial back my One Direction obsession, but I find I will be unable to do so anytime soon. Why?  Well, I'm so glad you asked!  The reason I can't give up my guilty pleasure right now is because when life gets hard, which it has been lately, I always feel better when I turn my Ipod to 1D, or watch one of their DVDs.  The music just takes me to my happy place. And watching them perform...well...let's just say it rejuvenates me.

SO true. I hope you fellow Directioners enjoy this. I know it put a smile on my face.

I noticed at work the other day, when I was getting really irritated about something, that the music actually calmed me down.  I started focusing on the beat, the lyrics, and their amazing voices and I noticed the tension starting to ebb.  The longer I listened, the better I felt.

While music does have a tendency to relax me, nothing else I've listened to in the past decade has had such a calming influence on me while I'm upset.  On the other hand, when I'm feeling depressed or exhausted, their music peps me right up.  In fact, I'm thinking of creating a workout playlist using the most upbeat of their songs.  I used to love dancing and it is time to get back to it.  What a great way to burn calories!

My only regret is that I'll probably never see them in concert.  I'm just getting too old for that scene.  Of course, I'll too old to be following them on Twitter and posting their pictures on Pinterest, but that hasn't stopped me yet. So maybe I will go see them live some day.  Provided then don't go in separate directions before I get a chance.  Oh...that's a depressing thought.  Better go get my Ipod! 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

What A Loser!...I Hope

February 19, 2015

Overweight People

I have struggled with my weight my entire life.  I remember going on my first diet at 8 years of age.  Yes, you read that right.  I was 8 years old and 30 lbs overweight.  My love/hate relationship with food has been an on going battle and I've had a constant uphill struggle with trying to lose weight.

In 2005 I joined Weight Watchers.   I lost 75 lbs before hitting a plateau, getting frustrated, and gaining all that back plus a whole lot more.  I hated myself.  But the more I got upset about my weight the more I ate.  It was a vicious cycle.  Finally, in 2012,  I hit rock bottom.  After a lot of soul searching and prayer, I decided to have gastric bypass surgery.  On August 21, 2012, I went under the knife.  I lost a total of 169.1 lbs so far.  

Unfortunately, though, my stress level throughout the last year has been at an all time high, and I find myself falling back into old habits.  The weight has started to creep on a again.  So, last night, I decided to join Weight Watchers Online Plus.  And I have to admit, I'm really excited about it.

I spent hours online last night familiarizing myself with the website and the mobile app.  The mobile app is incredible. You can actually scan bar codes on prepackaged food items and the app will tell you how many points the item is worth.  Not all products are in the system, but most of what I have tried scanning have been included.

I'm feeling really positive about this.  I already have the tools I need to get back on track.  And I'm finally feeling the motivation again.  Now I just need to get excited about exercising.  That might take awhile.

But I'm hoping with a lot of prayers and determination, I'll be a real loser again soon.  Wish me luck!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I Need To Get a Life/My One Direction Obsession Is Out Of Control!

February 18, 2015

I seriously need to get a life!  I am spending waaaaaayyyyy too much time looking at all things One Direction on the internet.  I am way too old for all the drama on Twitter! The only music I've been listening to on my IPOD is from "Up All Night", "Take Me Home", "Midnight Memories", and "FOUR".   If I'm not at work or doing something for my family, I'm online checking out social media, Pinterest, and YouTube.  I even joined  I've got...."NO CONTROL".....(1D song, for those non-Directioners). 

But they are sooooooo cute and funny and talented....and did I mention cute?  If you don't believe me, just look......


But I really, truly need to dial it down.  I have closets that need cleaned out, books that need read, a class that needs much to do....but nothing I really WANT to do.  That is my biggest problem.  My One Direction Obsession has been filling a void for me.   I'm 44.  I already had my college experience, my dating days, my wedding, my child (he is 17 going on 30 and really doesn't seem to need me anymore ((unless he is hungry, of course))), my career---I just don't feel I have anything else to look forward to for a long time.  I don't want to say that I feel my life is over, but all the things that made me look forward to the future have been done.  What now?  Yes, I am looking forward to grandchildren but not for a long, long, long, L O N G time.  So this has been something to fill that void. And I don't want to give it up because it makes me happy.  But I really need to find something else to fill my time so I'm not so controlled by it.  I have that obsessive/compulsive personality that latches onto 1 thing and that is all I want to do.  I just isn't healthy.

I wish I could put as much energy into exercising as I do to 1D.  I really wish I could focus all my enthusiasm, interests, and time into a healthy vessel.  But who wants to do that?

I'm going to have to try to find a different outlet.  While I am not ashamed of loving One Direction, I am embarrassed about the amount of time I spend on them.  And to what purpose?  So, while I'm not going to give up my fandom or quit them "cold turkey", I am going to try to tone it down a bit.

But last picture...

One Direction Valentine's Day Cards: Celebrate the Love With 1D | Cambio

See why I can't help myself???

It’s our labor force’s frowny face.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Nothing's As It Seems: What I'm Learning From Following One Direction On Twitter #peoplesuck

February 17, 2015

The 14 Most Amazing Parts Of One Direction’s Fabulous Magazine Cover---> I am really starting to love buzzfeed

I used to have a license plate on the front of my car that read "The more I learn about men, the more I love my dog".  When I started dating my husband, he asked me remove it, but these days I'm finding myself coming back to that sentiment....with a twist...."The more I learn about PEOPLE, the more I love my dog" ---and I don't even have a dog.  People just continue to disappoint me.

As I've mentioned in previous posts, I recently joined Twitter in an effort to learn more about One Direction.  I don't know why I am so enthralled by this band, especially at my age, but I am and I make no apologies for it.   I love their music and I really enjoy following them in the news, on YouTube, via their books and DVDs, and on social media.  They really don't do much on Facebook, so I joined Twitter, since I had read they are very active in this forum.  I find Twitter quite frustrating because I never know if an account I'm following is actually a member of 1D, a poser, or update account, but overall, I enjoy reading what they have to say and watching their interaction with fans.  I also love seeing concert pics from other One Direction fans, since I'll probably never get to attend a concert myself. 

Unfortunately, through my time spent following them on Twitter, I'm constantly being reminded of how hateful people can be and, also, how things are never truly what they seem. 

When I look at the members of One Direction, I see 5 young, talented, extremely attractive young men, who, after a meteoric rise to fame, one would think have it made.  But I'm seeing how much they struggle with constantly being under a microscope, having no privacy, dealing with self-esteem issues, and having to handle people treating them and their friends, family, and significant others with malice.  It really makes me sad, because while they always look like are having so much fun, they must really have a hard time dealing with all this.

Last night, while I was perusing Twitter, I came across a  post from one of the guy's girlfriends that really made me think. You see, this is a young woman who is stunningly beautiful, tall, thin, and dating a talented, handsome, music sensation.  I had just been thinking earlier that day how she is so very fortunate.  But then I read a remark she made asking people to stop saying she was "skinny", "anorexic", or "bulimic".  Here I was, envying her for her looks and her youth and here she is being ridiculed for the very thing I always wanted--to be slim.   I grew up being made fun of for my weight and height---and she is made fun of for being too thin?  Really????? SMH.....

People are so fickle.  I think the Badlees said it best...."I tried to please everybody, all the no sooner change yourself then they change their mind....".   It just goes to show that people are always going to find something to disparage.  I really wish I could take this girl aside, give her a hug, and tell her to "screw them all".  I said it before and I'll say it again....people that spread hate, hate themselves first.  People that like themselves don't need to put others down to feel good about themselves.  Also, in this young lady's case, I'm sure a lot of it stems from jealously...pure and simple. She is beautiful and she dating a guy that these other girls want.  So they put her down out of spite. They are the ones with issues, but they hurt her and make her feel like less of a person.  And that is just wrong.

I truly pray that someday this world would be a nicer, kinder place.  I truly wish people would learn to treat others with compassion and respect.  Unfortunately, I don't think that is going to happen anytime soon. 

being nice


Sunday, February 15, 2015

Harry Styles: What's Not To Love?

February 15, 2015

I know I've said it, ad nauseam, but I just adore Harry Styles. The more I learn about him, the more I like him. He is such a respectful, compassionate young man.  It really ticks me off when I hear that people are hateful towards him.  Here are some of the things I like about him....
When One Direction went to Ghana with Comic Relief, his interaction with the children was so precious.  When he was with the sick children, he openly wept. He is a sensitive young man who isn't afraid to openly express his emotions.  He has such a warm and loving heart.

"She came up and took my hand and we really bonded. She lives in the slums with her family, who battle to make a living. Fortunately for me, English is the main language here so we quickly became friends and she clung to me for most of the day. She was adorable. I gave her my St. Christopher's necklace to keep her safe."^^ how can you not love this man?

Check it out at


 It is so sweet how much he loves his mom....

....and his sister, Gemma....

He is great with kids and animals....

baby lux | Tumblr ❤ liked on Polyvore
 The relationship they have is probably the most precious thing in the entire world. World famous Harry Styles and Lux have been best friends since even before she was born. From the second Lux arrived, Harry was there to be with her. The way Lux loves Harry is important, she loves him not because he is famous or talented she doesn’t know that, but they genuinely love each other. Lux just knows that Harry likes to play with her and take her swimming and sometimes plays with her scooter.

Harry Styles



They call it puppy love: One Direction pose for a tongue-in-cheek 1970s-style shoot for Wonderland magazine as they each carry a labrador

All the accounts I've read indicate that he is a genuinely nice guy.  He apparently treats everyone with respect and courtesy.  His mother raised him right!

We love One Direction's anti-bullying campaign! Harry Styles: "It costs nothing to be nice."

He is utterly adorable....

The Most Awkward Pictures Of One Direction Before They Were One DirectionRepin if u know who this is

 Nobody can tell me that Marcel isn't one of the best things that ever happened to this fandom.

 One direction #facts #onedirection

 When he bit his lip: | Community Post: 29 Times Harry Styles Was Actually The Cutest

 Harry once walked out of the toilet and a fan asked him "Did you wash your hands?" He said 'no' then rubbed his hands on her face as a joke.

This after-party video of Harry Styles and Kristen Wiig is almost TOO good

He is very generous....

the thing I love is Harry didn't tell anyone. Don't you dare tell me the fame has gone to his head...the paparazzi want to do a story on his "girlfriends" and how he is "womanizer" but they don't want to cover this amazing, kind act that he has done!

And last but not least, his views on women...

Great Quote! #quotes. Never thought i'd be quoting one direction

Random One Direction Facts... Isn't this the one who dated Taylor Swift? Maybe that's why it didnt work...

Gah I love him so much <3 and btw he fit those standerds

One Direction Cute facts one-direction

harry styles | Tumblr

Monday, February 9, 2015

One Direction: If You Hate Them So Much, Just Don't Listen To Them. How Hard Is That?

February 9, 2015

As I dig deeper into all things One Direction, I have to admit I'm surprised at the hatred that is aimed towards this group.  Don't get me wrong, I understand not everyone is going to love their music as much as I do.  Some people might actually dislike the group, but to actively hate them as individuals?  That I just can't wrap my mind around.

 one direction facts 2013 this week

So you're not a fan?  Then don't listen to their music.  Why do people feel the need to launch personal attacks towards them on social media?  Harry Styles has mentioned this occurence more than once on Twitter.  Not only has he personally been targeted, but so have his sister and mom.  Seriously--what is wrong with people?


My son has very eclectic taste in music.  Some of the genres he listens to I find quite likeable.  Others, not so much.  But I would never hate the members of those bands.  Yes, I don't like screamo.  Yes, I think it sounds like devil's spawn screaming at me.  But I can still find things that are positive about the music.  A lot of times, when the artists are actually singing, they have amazing voices.  Often, the lyrics are outstanding.  Just because I don't care for the musical style doesn't give me the right to hate the individual performers.  And when I don't like something, I don't listen to it.  It is that simple.  I don't go on social media and personally attack the band members.

And what, specifically, is there to hate about 1D, anyway? What did they, as individuals or as a group, ever do to warrant this hatred?  The older I get, the more I realize that people that have to spew hate basically hate themselves. Hating someone for something that they did is one thing--not that it is right, but it is understandable.  But to just hate someone for no specific reason--well, that tells me that the hater is the one with the problem.  When people are secure in themselves, and truly like themselves, there is no need for unfounded hatred. 

In the case of One Direction, I think a lot of the hatred stems from jealousy.  Pure and simple.  1D skyrocketed to massive success in a short amount of time.  Girls (and some guys) love them.  People respect their accomplishments.  Even old women like myself find them irresistible.

I am extremely impressed by what they have done for various charities. I also love how they appreciate their fans. I'm constantly seeing tweets about how all their fans are beautiful.  Whether they truly believe that or not, it is still wonderful to read.  As a girl who grew up hating herself for being fat and unpopular, I would have loved to have the object of my teenage desire assure me that I was beautiful.

cassieshaye pictures

I've seen a lot of nasty comments aimed toward Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson calling them Larry Stylinson and remarking on their "relationship".  First, all I got out of any of the clips that were supposed to be "evidence" of said relationship was that they were really good friends.  Secondly, even if there was more to it SO WHAT?  Peoples' sexual orientation is between them and God.  It is no one else's business.  It sickens me that people always have to make problems where their aren't any.

The nastiest, most hateful thing I've seen was Zayn Malik being called a terrorist. His being Muslim doesn't make him a terrorist anymore than my being white makes me a racist.  That is utterly ridiculous.  Stereotyping is so wrong.  No one should ever be judged solely on their race, religion, or political views.  What has he ever done to warrant such hatred?  Not a darn thing!

Overall, these young men are decent, kindhearted people.  Yes, they are young and they will make mistakes when in the public eye.  Yes, they aren't perfect.  But they don't deserve the hatred aimed at them.  I think it is time for the haters to grown up and get over themselves.  If they don't like 1D, then they need to find someone they do like and spent their time appreciating those people instead of tearing down those they don't like.

I'll get off my soap box now.  Rant over.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Wish I Were There #OneDirection#OnTheRoadAgain

February 6, 2015

One Direction's On The Road Again tour kicks off in Sidney, Australia on February 7th. All I can say is that I wish I were there.  A year ago, I never would have even thought about listening to 1D, let alone attending a concert, but now I can't get enough.

I truly wish I could convince more of my peers to give their music a chance.  This is not a typical boy band, wearing matching outfits and dancing in sync.  These are extremely talented young men that keep getting better with age.  My only regret is that I didn't give them a chance sooner.

As I mentioned in previous posts, the first 1D song I ever heard was "One Thing".  I really liked it and was surprised when I learned who the artists were.  The next song I heard was "Story of My Life", which quickly became my favorite song for a time.  It was then that I started clicking on YouTube videos and fell in love with the band itself.

The story of how the band was formed and quickly skyrocketed in popularity continues to fascinate me.  The bond of friendship they formed touched my heart and I really enjoy watching clips of their early interviews.  What charmers!  And they are all extremely handsome, which never hurts.

But back to the music.  I recently bought all 4 albums..."Up All Night", "Take Me Home", "Midnight Memories" and "Four".  I love them all.  Unfortunately, when I ordered them from Amazon, I didn't realize I wasn't purchasing the extended cut albums.  Darn it!  I love so many of the songs, but my favorites are "Don't Forget Where You Belong", "You & I", "Little Things", "Story of My Life", "Fool's Gold", "18", and "Ready to Run".  There is only 1 song that I rarely listen too, "Little Black Dress", and even that isn't horrible.  There is just so much fun and energy in the songs.  I said it before and I'll say it again...there music makes me feel young again.  I can listen to it all day and not get tired of it.  I even achieved a small victory the other night when my son admitted that while he doesn't particularly like One Direction, he had "to admit their songs are catchy as hell!".   I might actually convert him into a 1D fan, yet.  Probably not, but a girl has to dream.

The "You & I" video is amazing. It is up for a Brit Award and I'm really hoping it wins.  It I love the way the lads transform into one another.  The "Story of My Life" is another great video.  Viewers actually get to see various members of each band mates' families and childhood pictures.  Very touching.  Other videos are absolutely hover rounds, character acting, etc.  These guys are multi-talented.  Which is why it so annoys me when people belittle them.  

I'd highly recommend watching the "1D This is Us" movie.  Very interesting, as are the books "Who We Are" and "Where We Are".   Possibly,  if you give them a chance, you'll like them as much as I do.

One Direction 2013 Wallpaper | High Definition Wallpaper Collection | High Definition Wallpapers ,High Definition Backgrounds
For more One Direction pics, interesting facts, etc, check out my Pinterest board at

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Welcome To My Pity Party

February 4, 2015

I'm truly trying to remember that all things happen for a reason and that God has a purpose and a plan in all things.   I really am.  But when things at home and at work suck at the same time, it is really hard to remember.

I keep getting slapped in the face with disappointments.  I'm trying to stay positive, but it is really hard.  I get that I can't have everything I want, when I want it, and I'm trying to accept this.  It is just difficult when things just keep happening one right after another.  A total domino effect.

Image result for dominoes game

I listen to Mandisa's "Overcomer" for inspiration and it just makes me cry.  Even listening to my beloved One Direction isn't helping.  I just feel sad and overwhelmed.  

I know part of my problem is that lately I just feel like I haven't accomplished what I wanted with my life (aside from my son who is my everything!!!).  I'm going to be 45 in April.  I have no real talent and no achievable dreams.  I'm someone that needs a project or a goal to make me feel fulfilled and right now I have nothing on my plate (aside of my One Direction obsession, which is totally inappropriate at my age).  

Sometimes I feel like I'm invisible.  I'm always lost in the crowd, the 3rd wheel, the person looking in from outside.  I hate that.  All my life I have tried so hard to fit in, wherever I am, to no avail.  I just feel like a nobody.  Always have, probably always will.  Usually, I'm ok with it.  But lately, it is really bothering me.

I just don't know how to get over this hurdle.  I need to find a way to get my balance back and quit dwelling on the negative things.  I need to embrace the positive.  But right now, I just can't.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

My One Direction Affection: Getting It Out of My System

February 2, 2015

One Direction 2014 Photoshoot

Alas, I've come to the conclusion that I am waaaaayyyyy to old to be obsessed with One Direction.  Buying the CDs and enjoying their music is one thing.  Even buying 2 books and 4 DVDs wasn't too bad.  But clicking on every YouTube link I can find and following them on that is a little over the top.  It is time to start acting my age.  Especially, since I think my husband is getting a bit jealous.  But hey, it's not like I'm looking at porn!  I just like their music, find them charming....and, ok, they are nice to look at!  Hey, I'm old, not blind!!!!

Unfortunately, bad habits are hard to break.  I need to wean myself.   So I decided to dedicate several blog posts to the band, write my heart out, and get it out of my system.  Writing is cathartic right?

I'm sad to say, I have a very obsessive personality.  If I like something, it is all I want to do.  That's why I never let myself get into drinking.  I knew it would turn into a big problem.  I used to follow a local band, The Badlees, back in 1992.   I knew where 3 of them lived and did drive bys.  Believe me, this isn't my first rodeo!

I should start by addressing what started my obsession.  Sheer boredom and loneliness.  It is true.  Yes, I have been married 20 and a 1/2 years.  Yes, I have a 17 year old son.  Yes, I am lonely.  My son spends the majority of his time back in his room on Skype or playing games online with his friends.  I love my husband dearly, but he spends most of his time either watching TV, going to shoots, or doing other things that fall within his interests.  I spend a lot of what little free time I have outside of work either watching shows he likes on TV, reading, or on my laptop.  It gets boring after a while.  :(

As I mentioned in a previous post, after falling in love with "The Story of My Life"  and watching the video on YouTube, I started clicking on other One Direction videos.  It wasn't long before I found that I adore 1D's music.  The videos are fun and upbeat.  And their interviews touched my heart with evidence of their friendship and camaraderie.  I loved watching the segments from the XFactor when they were first starting out as a group and how close they seemed to grow in such a short period of time.  But most of all, I loved how sweet they all were, especially Harry Styles.

Well, this gave me something to focus my attention on.  And it was fun!  I haven't had this much fun in years.   The more I read and watched, the more I wanted to learn.  And the really speaks to me.  I love it.  I mean I really really love it.  I drive my son crazy singing their songs over and over again.  I wake up in the middle of the night with different 1D songs running through my head.  It is crazy!!!

Unfortunately, joining Twitter was a mistake.   I kept reading about how all the members kept up with their fans via Twitter, and since they aren't as active on Facebook, I thought I'd give a whirl.  Well, it is fun watching them banter back and forth with each other an interact with their fans, but some things I read didn't thrill me.  Plus, I found it hurts my feelings if they don't respond to my tweets.  Go me a whackadoodle!  I certainly did!!!   First, why a 44 year old woman is trying to interact with a bunch of young twentysomethings is beyond me.  But then to get my nose out of joint when I'm ignored--seriously!!! I need help!!!!  Not to mention that I only have 19---no 20, wait, now it is back to 19--followers, only 2 of which I know. That makes me seem even more pathetic.

I don't plan to quit liking 1D or give up listening to their music.  But I need my obsession to be reduced to an admiration.   Hopefully writing about it will help!  But it might take a while.  Well, more later.  I have to go check out Twitter now!!! ;)