I used to have a license plate on the front of my car that read "The more I learn about men, the more I love my dog". When I started dating my husband, he asked me remove it, but these days I'm finding myself coming back to that sentiment....with a twist...."The more I learn about PEOPLE, the more I love my dog" ---and I don't even have a dog. People just continue to disappoint me.
As I've mentioned in previous posts, I recently joined Twitter in an effort to learn more about One Direction. I don't know why I am so enthralled by this band, especially at my age, but I am and I make no apologies for it. I love their music and I really enjoy following them in the news, on YouTube, via their books and DVDs, and on social media. They really don't do much on Facebook, so I joined Twitter, since I had read they are very active in this forum. I find Twitter quite frustrating because I never know if an account I'm following is actually a member of 1D, a poser, or update account, but overall, I enjoy reading what they have to say and watching their interaction with fans. I also love seeing concert pics from other One Direction fans, since I'll probably never get to attend a concert myself.
Unfortunately, through my time spent following them on Twitter, I'm constantly being reminded of how hateful people can be and, also, how things are never truly what they seem.
When I look at the members of One Direction, I see 5 young, talented, extremely attractive young men, who, after a meteoric rise to fame, one would think have it made. But I'm seeing how much they struggle with constantly being under a microscope, having no privacy, dealing with self-esteem issues, and having to handle people treating them and their friends, family, and significant others with malice. It really makes me sad, because while they always look like are having so much fun, they must really have a hard time dealing with all this.
Last night, while I was perusing Twitter, I came across a post from one of the guy's girlfriends that really made me think. You see, this is a young woman who is stunningly beautiful, tall, thin, and dating a talented, handsome, music sensation. I had just been thinking earlier that day how she is so very fortunate. But then I read a remark she made asking people to stop saying she was "skinny", "anorexic", or "bulimic". Here I was, envying her for her looks and her youth and here she is being ridiculed for the very thing I always wanted--to be slim. I grew up being made fun of for my weight and height---and she is made fun of for being too thin? Really????? SMH.....
People are so fickle. I think the Badlees said it best...."I tried to please everybody, all the time....you no sooner change yourself then they change their mind....". It just goes to show that people are always going to find something to disparage. I really wish I could take this girl aside, give her a hug, and tell her to "screw them all". I said it before and I'll say it again....people that spread hate, hate themselves first. People that like themselves don't need to put others down to feel good about themselves. Also, in this young lady's case, I'm sure a lot of it stems from jealously...pure and simple. She is beautiful and she dating a guy that these other girls want. So they put her down out of spite. They are the ones with issues, but they hurt her and make her feel like less of a person. And that is just wrong.
I truly pray that someday this world would be a nicer, kinder place. I truly wish people would learn to treat others with compassion and respect. Unfortunately, I don't think that is going to happen anytime soon.
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