I know I said I was going to try to dial back my One Direction obsession, but I find I will be unable to do so anytime soon. Why? Well, I'm so glad you asked! The reason I can't give up my guilty pleasure right now is because when life gets hard, which it has been lately, I always feel better when I turn my Ipod to 1D, or watch one of their DVDs. The music just takes me to my happy place. And watching them perform...well...let's just say it rejuvenates me.

I noticed at work the other day, when I was getting really irritated about something, that the music actually calmed me down. I started focusing on the beat, the lyrics, and their amazing voices and I noticed the tension starting to ebb. The longer I listened, the better I felt.
While music does have a tendency to relax me, nothing else I've listened to in the past decade has had such a calming influence on me while I'm upset. On the other hand, when I'm feeling depressed or exhausted, their music peps me right up. In fact, I'm thinking of creating a workout playlist using the most upbeat of their songs. I used to love dancing and it is time to get back to it. What a great way to burn calories!
My only regret is that I'll probably never see them in concert. I'm just getting too old for that scene. Of course, I'll too old to be following them on Twitter and posting their pictures on Pinterest, but that hasn't stopped me yet. So maybe I will go see them live some day. Provided then don't go in separate directions before I get a chance. Oh...that's a depressing thought. Better go get my Ipod!
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