As I dig deeper into all things One Direction, I have to admit I'm surprised at the hatred that is aimed towards this group. Don't get me wrong, I understand not everyone is going to love their music as much as I do. Some people might actually dislike the group, but to actively hate them as individuals? That I just can't wrap my mind around.

So you're not a fan? Then don't listen to their music. Why do people feel the need to launch personal attacks towards them on social media? Harry Styles has mentioned this occurence more than once on Twitter. Not only has he personally been targeted, but so have his sister and mom. Seriously--what is wrong with people?

My son has very eclectic taste in music. Some of the genres he listens to I find quite likeable. Others, not so much. But I would never hate the members of those bands. Yes, I don't like screamo. Yes, I think it sounds like devil's spawn screaming at me. But I can still find things that are positive about the music. A lot of times, when the artists are actually singing, they have amazing voices. Often, the lyrics are outstanding. Just because I don't care for the musical style doesn't give me the right to hate the individual performers. And when I don't like something, I don't listen to it. It is that simple. I don't go on social media and personally attack the band members.
And what, specifically, is there to hate about 1D, anyway? What did they, as individuals or as a group, ever do to warrant this hatred? The older I get, the more I realize that people that have to spew hate basically hate themselves. Hating someone for something that they did is one thing--not that it is right, but it is understandable. But to just hate someone for no specific reason--well, that tells me that the hater is the one with the problem. When people are secure in themselves, and truly like themselves, there is no need for unfounded hatred.
In the case of One Direction, I think a lot of the hatred stems from jealousy. Pure and simple. 1D skyrocketed to massive success in a short amount of time. Girls (and some guys) love them. People respect their accomplishments. Even old women like myself find them irresistible.
I am extremely impressed by what they have done for various charities. I also love how they appreciate their fans. I'm constantly seeing tweets about how all their fans are beautiful. Whether they truly believe that or not, it is still wonderful to read. As a girl who grew up hating herself for being fat and unpopular, I would have loved to have the object of my teenage desire assure me that I was beautiful.
I've seen a lot of nasty comments aimed toward Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson calling them Larry Stylinson and remarking on their "relationship". First, all I got out of any of the clips that were supposed to be "evidence" of said relationship was that they were really good friends. Secondly, even if there was more to it SO WHAT? Peoples' sexual orientation is between them and God. It is no one else's business. It sickens me that people always have to make problems where their aren't any.
The nastiest, most hateful thing I've seen was Zayn Malik being called a terrorist. His being Muslim doesn't make him a terrorist anymore than my being white makes me a racist. That is utterly ridiculous. Stereotyping is so wrong. No one should ever be judged solely on their race, religion, or political views. What has he ever done to warrant such hatred? Not a darn thing!
Overall, these young men are decent, kindhearted people. Yes, they are young and they will make mistakes when in the public eye. Yes, they aren't perfect. But they don't deserve the hatred aimed at them. I think it is time for the haters to grown up and get over themselves. If they don't like 1D, then they need to find someone they do like and spent their time appreciating those people instead of tearing down those they don't like.
I'll get off my soap box now. Rant over.
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