Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Welcome To My Pity Party

February 4, 2015

I'm truly trying to remember that all things happen for a reason and that God has a purpose and a plan in all things.   I really am.  But when things at home and at work suck at the same time, it is really hard to remember.

I keep getting slapped in the face with disappointments.  I'm trying to stay positive, but it is really hard.  I get that I can't have everything I want, when I want it, and I'm trying to accept this.  It is just difficult when things just keep happening one right after another.  A total domino effect.

Image result for dominoes game

I listen to Mandisa's "Overcomer" for inspiration and it just makes me cry.  Even listening to my beloved One Direction isn't helping.  I just feel sad and overwhelmed.  

I know part of my problem is that lately I just feel like I haven't accomplished what I wanted with my life (aside from my son who is my everything!!!).  I'm going to be 45 in April.  I have no real talent and no achievable dreams.  I'm someone that needs a project or a goal to make me feel fulfilled and right now I have nothing on my plate (aside of my One Direction obsession, which is totally inappropriate at my age).  

Sometimes I feel like I'm invisible.  I'm always lost in the crowd, the 3rd wheel, the person looking in from outside.  I hate that.  All my life I have tried so hard to fit in, wherever I am, to no avail.  I just feel like a nobody.  Always have, probably always will.  Usually, I'm ok with it.  But lately, it is really bothering me.

I just don't know how to get over this hurdle.  I need to find a way to get my balance back and quit dwelling on the negative things.  I need to embrace the positive.  But right now, I just can't.

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