Tuesday, February 3, 2015

My One Direction Affection: Getting It Out of My System

February 2, 2015

One Direction 2014 Photoshoot

Alas, I've come to the conclusion that I am waaaaayyyyy to old to be obsessed with One Direction.  Buying the CDs and enjoying their music is one thing.  Even buying 2 books and 4 DVDs wasn't too bad.  But clicking on every YouTube link I can find and following them on Twitter...now that is a little over the top.  It is time to start acting my age.  Especially, since I think my husband is getting a bit jealous.  But hey, it's not like I'm looking at porn!  I just like their music, find them charming....and, ok, they are nice to look at!  Hey, I'm old, not blind!!!!

Unfortunately, bad habits are hard to break.  I need to wean myself.   So I decided to dedicate several blog posts to the band, write my heart out, and get it out of my system.  Writing is cathartic right?

I'm sad to say, I have a very obsessive personality.  If I like something, it is all I want to do.  That's why I never let myself get into drinking.  I knew it would turn into a big problem.  I used to follow a local band, The Badlees, back in 1992.   I knew where 3 of them lived and did drive bys.  Believe me, this isn't my first rodeo!

I should start by addressing what started my obsession.  Sheer boredom and loneliness.  It is true.  Yes, I have been married 20 and a 1/2 years.  Yes, I have a 17 year old son.  Yes, I am lonely.  My son spends the majority of his time back in his room on Skype or playing games online with his friends.  I love my husband dearly, but he spends most of his time either watching TV, going to shoots, or doing other things that fall within his interests.  I spend a lot of what little free time I have outside of work either watching shows he likes on TV, reading, or on my laptop.  It gets boring after a while.  :(

As I mentioned in a previous post, after falling in love with "The Story of My Life"  and watching the video on YouTube, I started clicking on other One Direction videos.  It wasn't long before I found that I adore 1D's music.  The videos are fun and upbeat.  And their interviews touched my heart with evidence of their friendship and camaraderie.  I loved watching the segments from the XFactor when they were first starting out as a group and how close they seemed to grow in such a short period of time.  But most of all, I loved how sweet they all were, especially Harry Styles.

Well, this gave me something to focus my attention on.  And it was fun!  I haven't had this much fun in years.   The more I read and watched, the more I wanted to learn.  And the music....it really speaks to me.  I love it.  I mean I really really love it.  I drive my son crazy singing their songs over and over again.  I wake up in the middle of the night with different 1D songs running through my head.  It is crazy!!!

Unfortunately, joining Twitter was a mistake.   I kept reading about how all the members kept up with their fans via Twitter, and since they aren't as active on Facebook, I thought I'd give a whirl.  Well, it is fun watching them banter back and forth with each other an interact with their fans, but some things I read didn't thrill me.  Plus, I found it hurts my feelings if they don't respond to my tweets.  Go ahead...call me a whackadoodle!  I certainly did!!!   First, why a 44 year old woman is trying to interact with a bunch of young twentysomethings is beyond me.  But then to get my nose out of joint when I'm ignored--seriously!!! I need help!!!!  Not to mention that I only have 19---no 20, wait, now it is back to 19--followers, only 2 of which I know. That makes me seem even more pathetic.

I don't plan to quit liking 1D or give up listening to their music.  But I need my obsession to be reduced to an admiration.   Hopefully writing about it will help!  But it might take a while.  Well, more later.  I have to go check out Twitter now!!! ;)

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