Sunday, August 23, 2015

Day 14: Sixteen More Days????!!!!! #Whole30

August 23, 2015

I'm just not feeling this right now.  My skin isn't clearing up.  I'm not getting a burst of energy.  I think I might have lost weight but since I'm not permitted to weigh myself, who knows.  I'm so ready for this to be over.  I honestly thought I would wake up one day and feel terrific.  It just hasn't happened yet.  And with all the stress in my life right now, I don't know if I'd recognize it if it did happen.

I really want to quit.   Really really really badly. If I hadn't told people I was doing this and if it weren't for this blog, I would.   It just doesn't seem worth it right now.  Maybe when it is over, I'll feel differently.  But right now I'm having a big ole pity party.  I hope I can do 16 more days of this.  Not looking forward to it, though.


  1. You can do it. You are halfway there. You made it through the hardest part. Keep going!

  2. You can do it. You are halfway there. You made it through the hardest part. Keep going!

  3. Honestly, I get discouraged too sometimes. But you're doing something AWESOME for yourself by eating healthful foods, even if the change isn't as amazing as some people have described (I firmly believe some folks exaggerate about waking up after two days on a Whole30 feeling like they are full of sparkles with perfect skin and nails). 16 days is a challenge, but it's 100% doable. You can keep it up for another 16 days, no problem! If at the end you decide it didn't produce the results you wanted, you can swear off doing another one, but you will have completed something great, and that's something to be proud of.

    Hang in there - I believe in you.

  4. Thank you so much!!! I appreciate it!!
