I don't know if I'm in a bad mood because it is hot or because I'm getting irritated with the crap going on in my life or because I'm feeling deprived of eating like a normal person. Maybe all three. I'm feeling angry and antsy and annoyed. All I want is a big piece of chocolate cake, a McDonald's unsweetened iced tea with 7 Splenda, a bag of Hartley's chips, and a white pizza with spinach and tomatoes. And ice cream. A honking big-hineyed bowl of ice cream. But I settled for chicken saluted in olive oil and garlic, with Brussel sprouts and mushrooms cooked in chicken stock. It was very good, but certainly not what I wanted.
I can't believe I have 23 left before I can even attempt to add anything back into my diet. I know I can do this but it would be so easy to say "screw it" and give up. I won't. I can't. I need to do this for my health. I need to do it for my self-confidence. I know 23 more days is just speck compared to the rest of my life (hopefully), but I'm really struggling today.
It seems like everything on Facebook and every commercial on TV is for a food I can't have. No wonder America is full of fat, unhealthy people. All we are surrounded by 24/7 is junk food. Amazingly delicious, highly unnutritious junk food. It is ridiculous. Not to mention everything we do revolves around food.....weddings, funerals, church services, shopping trips, travel, work functions....you name it...food is involved. And it is rarely a fruit and vegetable tray.
Sigh....such is life. I guess it is time to put on my big girl panties and deal with it. As Scarlet O'Hara would say, "Tomorrow is another day".
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