Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Day # 2 #Whole30

August 11, 2015

So, it is Day 2 of The Whole 30.  How 
does anyone survive without caffeine?
Seriously....I'm exhausted and I have a
headache from caffeine withdraw.  I knew it was coming, but so soon?
Yikes!  What will Day 3 feel like?   Otherwise, I'm doing ok.  I haven't wanted to kill anyone, yet, so that is good.  I did think about wrestling one of my coworkers for her Hershey Miniatures, but I resisted temptation. Deciding what to eat for breakfast is the hardest.  I don't feel like eggs everyday, which limits my choices, greatly.  Today, I ate some grilled chicken pieces, macadamia nuts, and blueberries.  My friend,  Susan, gave me some home grown cherry tomatoes that were wonderful, which I ate at break.  Lunch was cooked cabbage with chicken and a banana.  Supper was a salad made of 
tuna, spinach, blueberries, almonds, tomatoes, cucumbers and oil & vinegar. 

Finding Whole30 compliant foods isn't as easy as I thought it would be.  Everything has additives that aren't permissible.  And finding nuts, etc, that contain nothing but the nut itself is expensive.  It is a shame that healthy, wholesome food costs an arm and leg, but junk that pollutes our body is readily affordable and easy to access.

I know this is going to get harder. I also know it will be worth it.  So I will just keep on keeping on.

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking the folks who can't stick it out for 30 days are the ones who don't use the recipe's available. I'm sure that once you delve into trying recipes, you'll do just fine. Plus - if you get a bad headache on day 2 of no caffeine.... that proves you're body is responding in a favorable way to the different way you are eating. Good job !
