Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Day 3: #Whole 30

August 12, 2015

It is Day 3 and I'm still hanging in there. Still having caffeine withdraw, so I'm headachy, but this too shall pass.  I'm not used to drinking only water, so my sleep is being interrupted.  A LOT.  I know, TMI.  But honesty is important when keeping a health log, right?

So far, I'm ok with what I am eating.  I miss bread and convenience foods, but I'm not having MAJOR cravings. YET.  I know that is just around the corner.  Prepping food ahead of time helps.  Being able to just come home and throw my dinner in the microwave is keeping me on track and preventing me from having a "just screw it" attitude.  I still have to cook for my family, but my own meal is just minutes away.  I'm actually not as hungry as I was pre-Whole30.  All that protein and healthy fat is doing its job, I guess. :)

So,I'm feeling confident I can get through the next 27 days.  I was more restricted right after my gastric bypass surgery and survived.  Of course, I wasn't hungry then.  But I can do this.  I can.  I will.

Image result for clipart of achievement

1 comment:

  1. Good for you ! Prepping & having stuff ready takes time, but is probably key. You might be surprised about the craving aspect. The protein & lack of junk food just might disconnect your 'crave' button. I sure hope so. Keep up the good work
